Curatorial Projects
Curatorial Projects
Ouattara Watts in Conversation with KJ Abudu | Karma
New Artist Focus: KJ Abudu on Gelare Khoshgozaran | LUX
Anarcho-Ecstasy: Options for an Afri-Queer Becoming | e-flux Journal
A Question of Inheritance: Bouchra Khalili's Decolonial Spectropoetics | MACBA
Ciné-chronotones: Decolonial Temporal Critique in Contemporary Moving Image Practice
Eric N. Mack: Notes on Sarong | Chronorama Redux
Onyeka Igwe: Danced Insurgencies | Mousse
Photography Report: Imaging Racial Capital | e-flux Criticism
Lynette Yiadom-Boakye: Painterly Matterings of Ordinary Black Life | Tate Etc.
Ghosts of Colonial Modernity (Parts I, II & III) | PALM Magazine, Jeu de Paume Paris
Living with Ghosts: A Reader
Evan Ifekoya in Conversation with KJ Abudu | Resonant Frequencies | Migros Museum
The Inexpressively Expressive Cinematic Image: Quiet and the Black Interior... | Seen Journal
Interview: Artist Ângela Ferreira Examines Modern Architecture and Colonialism | PIN-UP
In Conversation with Shola von Reinhold | Luncheon Magazine
Steve McQueen at the Tate Modern: Cinematics of Touch, Flesh, and Embodiment | Arts.Black
Study #19, Rich and Poor, Jim Goldberg | DRAF Study Series
Building A Future From The Rubble: The Second Lagos Biennial | Frieze
Artist Maren Hassinger Mourns Our Lost Connection With The Natural World | Frieze